As a business proprietor, during my first few months of
doing business, I used to spend the money of the business itself for my
personal needs. Over time, I learned that that was a mistake for the following
You Slow Down Business Growth
First of all, the money intended for the business was for
the purchase of new equipment, the development of infrastructures, payrolls and
investing in other businesses. Taking money from the business for personal use
can slow down the business’ growth.
With you having no systematic way of getting money from your
business or not even distinguishing different funds for different uses, your
business is founded on confusion and corruption. When it does grow in a few
years, it will be plagued by these two problems rooted ever since the business
Eventually, with too much usage of business funds for personal
use instead of business growth and expansion, you risk the business growing
closer to declaring bankruptcy. Remember, businesses thrive on expanding
profits and recovering capital. It doesn’t mean that once you regain your
capital, you can use all the profits you get.
Unworkable Business Reputation
I’ve experienced this during the first year of my business
when it became expansive (but still a bit slow because I was taking business
money for personal use). Most businesses that would like to partner up with you
may withdraw their offers because you have an unworkable business reputation. An
unsystematic and non-clockwork repertoire is not attractive to investors or
possible business relationships.