Monday, 11 July 2016

The Cultural Shift In The Market Today

Build long-term relationships, focus more on goals, stop making clients get trades they don't want.

That's what investing companies are telling their teams.

The cultural shift -- as many put it -- is coming underway.

What started these may come has become from the strangest reasons that may seem miniscule but are actually the most important of all.

The question of "how can we do more business with you" is now client-centred with an idea of "how can we serve you better?"

"We had dealers who were focused on their [profit & loss], asking us how they can trade more bonds with us. We were a counterparty," Tim Morbelli, vice president of credit trading at AllianceBernstein, told Business Insider. "Now they are asking us how they can service us — how we can be a client."

"The old way of doing business doesn't result in long-term, profitable relationships anymore," Kevin McPartland, principal in market structure and technology at Greenwich Associates, told Business Insider.

"Not to mention, the buy side holds most of the bonds these days, so maintaining a good understanding of who holds what and what they're willing to do with it is much more important than it used to be."